Student Ministries

Our ministry dedicated to all students


We are passionate about students and their faith development. We at SMC are committed to walking alongside young men and women by doing life together through authentic personal relationships, consistent relevant discipleship, and a strong anchoring community. Our aim is to equip the next generation for great things and empower them to lead today.


We offer a one-room schoolhouse approach in our Children and Youth Ministries. We encourage children and youth to engage with peers of different ages and learning styles.

We meet in the CAC gym for large group worship, games, and lessons. After large group time, we move into small groups for table talk, where we have a deeper discussion based on the lesson introduced during large group time.

·      Sunday mornings we meet from 9:45 - 10:30 year-round.

·     September- April we meet for our mid-week program on Wednesdays. As part of our midweek programming, we offer an Afterschool Program. On Wednesdays, the CAC opens at 2:30 pm. We provide an afterschool snack, playtime, homework tutoring, children’s choir at 5 pm, and dinner at 5:30. Bible study starts at 6 pm and runs until 7 pm.

This time is not just for children and youth, parents are invited to attend as well! It is an educational and faith-forming program for children and youth as well as adults.

Children's Church

Traditional Worship: Sundays at 10:55 am in the Sanctuary

Children ages 3 through 5th grade are released from the worship service to participate in Children's Church located in the Education Building.


Wednesday Nights are our favorite night of the week! With dinner, games, worship, relevant Bible teaching, and friends,

it's a great place to come as you are and leave encouraged.

5:30 p.m. - Dinner

6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. - Student Services


Sunday mornings we meet for our time to connect with each other through Bible Study.

9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. - in the CAC building


If you have further questions concerning our student ministry,

please contact and our Director of Youth & Children's Ministries will contact you soon!